
The Valeo Attorney Hourly Rates Database lists hourly rates by Individual Attorney and Support Staff (Paralegals, Clerks, Librarians etc.) along with the Law Firm of the Attorney, Position (Partner, Counsel and Associate), Practice Area(s), City of Practice, Experience by Graduation Year and Bar Year, Clients Represented, Industry of the Client and Other Matters worked.

Providers (Law Firms) and purchasers (Companies) of legal services rely on the Valeo Attorney Hourly Rates database to determine the going-rate for Attorneys at over 1,600 large, middle-market, small and boutique Law Firms (U.S. and International), including the AMLAW 200, in over 80 Practice Areas and in over 300 U.S. and International cities.

Valeo lists actual market rates - the rates an Attorney actually billed a Client.  The power of the Database lies in its ability to 1) directly compare rates by individual Attorney, Firm, City / State / Country, Practice Area(s) versus surveys, peer services or e-billing reports that bundle multiple firms with disparate rate structures together making detailed comparisons difficult if not impossible and 2) identify the legal hiring and spending practices of over 12,000 companies.